Resolution honoring Brookline WWI soldiers

Petitioner: Neil Gordon, TMM1

Annual Town Meeting, May 2018

"To those who knew them, these men and women are more than simply names on a plaque, or on a wall." Neil Gordon, speaking at Brookline Memorial Day ceremonies, on May 30, 2016.

The following are taken from the Proceedings of the Brookline Historical Society, at its annual meeting on January 30, 1919*:

"At our meeting last January the result seemed very doubtful; the Germans apparently were masters of the situation and their drive soon after in March carried dismay to those who could not know the actual condition of affairs so far away. But in July the tide turned, thanks largely to our American boys, and we all know the result."

"Our town has been largely represented in the army and navy, 1,841 young men, either enlisted or drafted, being enrolled in the honor records. Our population is estimated at 37,000, so the above number is about one twentieth, or five percent, of the total."

"We are and have been living in such strenuous times and dealing with such momentous events, it may be interesting to look back a hundred years and read what was happening then to occupy the minds of our forbears...but to the citizen living fifty or a hundred years hence, what a wonderful history the war and its possible results will make"

We ask Town Meeting to take pause and remember all of those who served, and all of those who suffered, and especially the sixty-two "Boys of Brookline," who died one hundred years ago in service to their country.

Official Town Meeting Vote Select Board Advisory Board

Favorable Action

Favorable Action

Favorable Action




Final Result:

Favorable Action

Community Organization Recommendations
PAX Green Caucus

Favorable Action

Official Text of the Article

VOTED: That the Town Adopt the Following Resolution:

Resolution honoring the "Boys of Brookline" who died in service to their country during World War 1

WHEREAS, World War 1, also known as the Great War, was a global war, originating in Europe in 1914, and ending November 11, 1918; and

WHEREAS, during the course of that war, more than seventy million military personnel were mobilized, and over nine million combatants and seven million civilians died; and

WHEREAS, on April 6, 1917, the United States entered the conflict, mobilizing over four million military personnel and suffering one hundred and ten thousand deaths; and

WHEREAS, one hundred years later, as we take pause and remember all of those who served, and all of those who suffered, it is particularly appropriate that we take pause and remember those from our town, who gave so much; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Brookline Town Meeting hereby, and with reverence, honors the memory of Carlton C. Baker, Allan G. Barton, Albert E. Bower, Barron Brainerd, Harold Bromsoe, John J. Campbell, Elwin F. Chapman, Ralph E. Chapman, Harmon Craig, Albert L. Crocker, James F. Cromie, Martin Crowe, Thaddius C. DeFriese 2nd, Henry J. Devaney, Dennis F. Donahue, John F. Dugan, Patrick J. Dunn, Charles R. Ellis, Newton S. Frothingham, William B. Hagan, Kenneth E. Henderson, William F. Herrick, Robert W. Hill, Joseph W. Homer Jr., Edward A. Hooper, William H. Jarboe, Branton H. Kellogg, James A. King, Frederick A. Lincoln, Max M. Lustic, William D. Lyon, Charles W. McCarthy, George F. McGillen, Alfonsus J. McGrath, Kenneth D. McKenzie, James B. McClellan, Eugene D. Morse, Norman I. Moultrop, John L. Mulvey, John L. Norris 2nd, Frederic Owens, Edward C. Paine, Robert J. Palmer, Sturgis Pishon, Stephen Potter, Norbert E. Rigby, Newell W. Rogers, Mathew J, Rowley, Stephen F. Rutledge, George K. Sabine Jr., Thomas W. Saunders, Albert E. Scott, Charles L. Smith, Alexander Stewart, Gordon Stewart, Horace S. Stevens, Timothy B. Sullivan, Joseph J. Waters, Henry D. Webb, Hallek Wells Jr., Robert Williams, and Donald F. Wright, sixtytwo "Boys of Brookline," who died in service to their country; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Town Meeting takes special note of Albert Edward Scott, "Scotty," a Brookline newsboy and a graduate of the Devotion School, a member of Company H, 101st United States Infantry, Allied Expeditionary Force, and a recipient of the Distinguished Service Cross, who was killed in action in France, on July 23rd, 1918, at the age of sixteen; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Brookline Select Board, through the Town's Veterans Service Office, cause this resolution to be read at the Town's forthcoming Memorial Day service, to be held on May 28, 2018.…
