Driscoll Appropriation: Advisory Committee Amendment

Petitioner: Advisory Committee

Special Town Meeting, November 2019

There were a number of proposals that attempted to impose a spending limit on the project in order to underscore the strong sentiment of many members that the project costs should be reduced. A motion to reduce the dollar amount by 20% (from $108,800,000 to $87,040,000) received support from about one-third of Committee members. However since consensus on a dollar amount for savings could not be reached, the Advisory Committee simply included general language regarding cost effectiveness and program delivery efficiency in its motion.

Official Town Meeting Vote Select Board Advisory Board

No Action

Favorable Action

Favorable Action




Final Result:

No Action

Community Organization Recommendations
PAX Green Caucus
Official Text of the Article

That the Town appropriate, borrow, or transfer from available funds up to $108,800,000 to be expended under the direction of the Building Commission, with any necessary contracts over $100,000 to be approved by the Select Board and the School Committee, to reconstruct the Driscoll School as a four section school, with the understanding that the final stages of project design, which follow voter and Town Meeting approval, will include efforts to further optimize the project's design in terms of both program delivery and cost efficiency, including the evaluation of the feasibility of providing office space for district-wide staff of the Brookline Public Schools, provided that such appropriation shall be contingent on the approval by Town voters of a debt exclusion vote to be held no earlier than January 15, 2020 and no later than 90 days after the dissolution of the November First Special Town Meeting to fund the debt service on said borrowing.
