Select Board Alternate: Resolution in support of a local option gasoline tax
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VOTED: That the Town Adopt the Following Resolution: GAS TAX RESOLUTION Whereas, the ability to move around on foot, bike, or with mass transit is an important value to citizens of Brookline; Whereas, the infrastructure that enables pedestrians, bicyclists, and mass transit users can be made safer, more accessible, and more comfortable; Whereas, Brookline is currently committed to the upgrades necessary to improve safety and comfort for pedestrians, bicyclists, and mass transit users but is constrained by available revenue and other important budgetary considerations; Whereas, according to The League of American Bicyclists, Massachusetts has seen more than a one hundred percent growth in the share of those who commute by bike and it is important to accommodate these growing numbers by installing safer biking infrastructure; Whereas, bike lanes in Brookline are expensive, costing up to fifty thousand dollars, and such projects have been funded with the Brookline Capital Improvements program; Whereas, Brookline Town Meeting's willingness to administer local-option taxes has been demonstrated by its swift implementation of local-option taxes both on meals and room occupancy in the past decade; Whereas, the passage of S.1551 "An Act Relevant to Regional Transportation Ballot Initiatives" would give Brookline the ability to impose any tax surcharge on a single subject of taxation including a payroll, sales, property, fuel or vehicle excise tax, creating a new local-option tax to fund transportation upgrades; Now, therefore, be it hereby Resolved, that 1. Town Meeting supports the passage of S.1551, "An Act Relevant to Regional Transportation Ballot Initiatives" A message of Brookline's support will be sent to the State House sponsors of the Bill, to Brookline's representatives in the Massachusetts House and Senate, and to relevant committee chairs.… Categories: |