FY2018 Special Appropriation for Brookline High School Expansion Project

Petitioner: Board of Selectmen

Special Town Meeting 2, May 2017

At the High School Building Committee's sixth public meeting, HMFH Architects presented a new expansion concept and design options. Options 4A, 4B, 4C, and 4D include a new 9th Grade Academy that would be located on Cypress Street and have additional renovations at the main building on Greenough Street. The 9th Grade Academy would include classrooms for all subjects, art and music classrooms, a cafeteria and a library as well as collaborative learning spaces. The main building options include building new science classrooms, and a range of renovations of existing classrooms. Given the emergence of this option, the special appropriation language under the Annual Town Meeting (Article 9) was reviewed with the Moderator. "Option 4" was ruled to be outside the scope; therefore, it is necessary to have the Board create a new warrant with amended language in order to allow for consideration of this option.

Official Town Meeting Vote Select Board Advisory Board

Favorable Action

Favorable Action

Favorable Action




Final Result:

Favorable Action

Community Organization Recommendations
PAX Green Caucus
Official Text of the Article

VOTED: That the Town raise and appropriate $1,850,000 to be expended under the direction of the Building Commission, with any necessary contracts over $100,000 to be approved by the Board of Selectmen and the School Committee, for the phase two feasibility/schematic design related to the off-site building expansion of the High School, or the remodeling, renovating, reconstruction or making extraordinary repairs to the High School; and to meet the appropriation authorize the Treasurer, with approval of the Board of Selectmen, to borrow $1,850,000, under General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 7, Clause 21.

