Authorization for the grant of a permanent easement over the main entrance at 2-4 Brookline Place for the construction of a canopy

Petitioner: Children's Hospital

Annual Town Meeting, May 2018

In connection with the Brookline Place Redevelopment, Boston Children's Hospital is seeking the Town's approval to construct a canopy over the main entrance to the building located at 2-4 Brookline Place since the canopy will extend over the Pearl Street right of way. The proposed Article would allow the Select Board to grant, as necessary, permanent easements over and/or
vertical discontinuances of certain portions of Pearl Street to permit the construction of the canopy.

Official Town Meeting Vote Select Board Advisory Board

Favorable Action

Favorable Action

Favorable Action




Final Result:

Favorable Action

Community Organization Recommendations
PAX Green Caucus
Official Text of the Article

VOTED: To authorize the Select Board to grant, for full and fair cash value and upon terms and conditions in the best interest of the Town, an easement or lease of air rights over a portion of Pearl Street for the construction of a canopy over the main entrance to the building to be located at 2-4 Brookline Place, as substantially shown on the plan submitted herewith entitled "Site Layout Diagram" and dated 9/28/17, and on the further condition that any easement or lease shall be terminated at the end of the life of the proposed building or canopy.…
