FY2019 budget amendments

Petitioner: Select Board

Special Town Meeting, November 2018

This article is inserted in the Warrant for any Town Meeting when budget amendments for the current fiscal year are required. For FY2019, the warrant article is necessary to balance the budget based on higher than projected State Aid, appropriate ride-share revenue and schematic design funding for the 9th School project, re-allocate funds, to amend the cap set for the Recreation Revolving Fund and to amend the Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund.

In addition, the Article will seek funding for the Brookline Reservoir. Repairs are needed to the Brookline Reservoir low-level outlets, to bring the facility into compliance with current Massachusetts regulations, which require that the dam have a means to drain the impoundment. Repairs include installing new outlet values or gates in the gatehouse and repairing the intake conduit. This work needs to precede other planned work on the reservoir and gatehouse.

Official Town Meeting Vote Select Board Advisory Board

Favorable Action

Favorable Action

Favorable Action




Final Result:

Favorable Action

Community Organization Recommendations
PAX Green Caucus
Official Text of the Article

Adjustments to the annual budget based on additional information including ride share revenues; new positions in both the Comptroller's office and Legal Services office; the Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund; repairs to the
Brookline Reservoir; shortfalls in parking meter revenues; a Fire Department breathing apparatus filling station; and maintenance for AED's in Town buildings.

