Release of May 2018 Ninth School Schematic Design Special Appropriation

Petitioner: Select Board

Special Town Meeting, November 2018

Under Special Appropriation Article 65 of the 2018 Annual Town Meeting the following language was set by Town Meeting:

Raise and appropriate $1,500,000 to be expended under the direction of the Building Commissioner, with any necessary contracts to be approved by the Select Board and the School Committee, for the schematic design services to construct or expand a school as determined by the outcome of the 9th School feasibility study, and to meet the appropriation transfer $500,000 from the balance remaining in the appropriation voted under Section 13, Special Appropriation No. 66 of Article 9 of the 2017 Annual Town Meeting, provided that the money not be released for expenditure without an affirmative vote of a future Town Meeting, thereby providing Town Meeting with the opportunity to restrict, condition or re-appropriate such funds.

This article allows the Town to move into the schematic design phase for one of the two building projects that are currently in the feasibility study phase.

Official Town Meeting Vote Select Board Advisory Board

No Action

Table the Motion

Table the Motion




Final Result:

No Action

Community Organization Recommendations
PAX Green Caucus
Official Text of the Article

To see if the Town will vote to release for expenditure the funds appropriated under Section 13, Special Appropriation No. 65 of Article 7 of the 2018 Annual Town Meeting as provided in said appropriation.…
