Articles Six through Nine deal with easements necessary to reconstruct the Carlton Street Footbridge. These articles were considered under a single debate with a single vote.

Petitioner: Department of Public Works

Special Town Meeting, November 2018

The Carlton Street Footbridge Rehabilitation project is a MassDOT Transportation Improvement Project, with Federal and State funding allocations, and currently scheduled to advertise for construction on or about the 2nd quarter of Federal Fiscal Year 2019 (Jan-March, 2019).

MassDOT, as a final part of design development prior to construction, requires that the Town of Brookline secure temporary construction easements or licenses from the owners of all property parcels on which construction activities, however minimal, might occur.

These Warrant Articles seek Town Meeting authorization for the Select Board to secure this temporary easement, and expend funds, as necessary, from existing appropriations for the Carlton Street Footbridge Restoration.


In this case, significant structural work for the footbridge and accessible ramps, as well as walkways, pathways and landscape are located on the Riverway Park parcel owned by the Town of Brookline, and under the jurisdiction of the Department of Public Works, Parks and Open Space Division. This easement area further allows for construction equipment access, temporary pedestrian detours, and a staging or work zone. A temporary construction easement with the Town of Brookline will facilitate contractor access to the footbridge site in order to complete the projected work.


In this case, the parcel at 3 Carlton Street abuts projected sidewalk replacement at Carlton Street and Carlton Path, a construction activity that unavoidably requires work on or from a limited area of this parcel (as delineated on the accompanying plan). A temporary construction easement with the Owner will allow the contractor to complete this work.


In this case, significant structural work for the footbridge and accessible ramps is located on the parcel owned by the MBTA. A temporary construction easement with the MBTA will allow the contractor to both access the MBTA Right-of-Way and complete the projected work.


In this case, construction equipment access to the footbridge work site is provided at the existing Riverway Park path within the City of Boston, extending from the Town Line easterly to Park Drive, owned by the City of Boston land in Riverway Park. In addition, temporary pedestrian detours, including sign installations, use City of Boston, Riverway Park paths along the southerly bank of the Muddy River, between Park Drive and the Chapel Street Bridge. A temporary construction easement will permit equipment access and facilitate the pedestrian detour when footbridge work zone activities render unsafe the use of Brookline's Riverway Park path between the Chapel Street Bridge and the Brookline-Boston line.

Official Town Meeting Vote Select Board Advisory Board

Favorable Action

Favorable Action

Favorable Action




Final Result:

Favorable Action

Community Organization Recommendations
PAX Green Caucus
Official Text of the Article…
