Amend the Town's Zoning By-law to allow Micro Unit Dwellings in the Coolidge Corner General Business District

Petitioner: Robert Zuker

Special Town Meeting, November 2019

Currently, Micro Unit Dwellings as defined in the Zoning By-Law are residential units no greater than 500 square feet in gross floor area per unit. See, Section 2.04 (3)(f) of the Brookline Zoning By-Law. Micro Unit Dwellings have been recognized by the town as a useful way to provide housing for individuals at a relatively affordable cost. In addition, because of the smaller size of these units they have a smaller ecological footprint than larger 1 bedroom units. Several years ago when the Town approved the Emerald Island Special Overlay District (EISD) Micro Unit Dwellings were allowed in the EISD. However, no other zoning district in town permits the development of Micro Unit Dwellings. To date, no Micro Unit Dwellings have been developed or proposed in the EISD. This article seeks to allow Micro Unit Dwellings in the G-1.75 (CC); the Coolidge Corner General Business District with a special permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals. This article also seeks to provide more flexibility for Micro Unit Dwellings to use Public Incentive Benefits by eliminating the requirement that the lot contain a minimum of 20,000 square feet. In addition to providing much needed housing to individuals, Micro Unit Dwellings can also provide a boost to the nearby retail businesses. The Coolidge Corner General Business District is a suitable spot for Micro Unit Dwellings due to the existing density, many nearby retail and civic establishments and public transit options.

Official Town Meeting Vote Select Board Advisory Board

Town Meeting is Upcoming

Final Result:

Town Meeting is Upcoming

Community Organization Recommendations
PAX Green Caucus

Favorable Action

Official Text of the Article

Brookline For Everyone Endorsements

Favorable Action