Amend Article 8.31 of the Town's General By-laws to prohibit blowing leaves and debris onto public property

Petitioner: Donald Warner

Special Town Meeting, November 2019

Currently, it is common practice for leaves to be blown onto public sidewalks, tree lawns and ways, from private properties. This often results in air borne debris impacting the general public. Besides, leaves and other yard waste, this debris contains many unwanted and toxic pollutants, including, but not limited to, dust, lead, pesticides, fertilizers and fecal matter which exacerbates asthma, emphysema and allergies. This practice also results in unnecessary carbon emissions and undesired noise.

The proposed amendment to the General Bylaw would restrict the use of leaf blowers from the blowing of leaves, yard waste and other debris onto public sidewalks, tree-lawns and ways.

Official Town Meeting Vote Select Board Advisory Board

Town Meeting is Upcoming

Final Result:

Town Meeting is Upcoming

Community Organization Recommendations
PAX Green Caucus

Favorable Action

Official Text of the Article
