Ilan Wapinski

Precinct Address Age Active? Term Expires Party Affiliation

48 Harris Street

41 Yes



Recorded Votes

Appropriation for Driscoll School, Friedman Amendment capping expenditure at $98m, November 2019 Special Town Meeting


Appropriation for Driscoll School, Advisory Committee capping expenditure at $108.8m, November 2019 Special Town Meeting


Appropriation for Driscoll School, November 2019 Special Town Meeting


Authorization of the sale of the Oak Street properties near Baldwin School, November 2019 Special Town Meeting


Resolution requesting higher stipends for Select Board Members, November 2019 Special Town Meeting


Resolution to request the maintenance of all street markings, including bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, November 2019 Special Town Meeting

Didn't Vote

Motion To Refer Discussion of a Real Estate Transfer Tax to the Land Bank Study Committee, November 2019 Special Town Meeting

Didn't Vote

Request for a Home Petition to Allow Brookline to Institute a Real Estate Transfer Tax for the Purpose of Funding Affordable Housing, November 2019 Special Town Meeting

Didn't Vote

Resolution To Restrict Further e-Scooter Program/Pilots without the State Legislature Setting Regulations, November 2019 Special Town Meeting


Referral of Short Term Rental Regulation Discussions to the Town Planning Department for Continued Work, November 2019 Special Town Meeting


By-Law prohibiting new fossil fuel infrastructure in major construction, November 2019 Special Town Meeting

Didn't Vote

Motion to Refer the Renaming of the Coolidge Corner School to the Naming Committee for further deliberation, November 2019 Special Town Meeting

Didn't Vote

Rename the Coolidge Corner School the "Florida Ruffin Ridley School", November 2019 Special Town Meeting
Didn't Vote
Rename the Coolidge Corner School the "Ethel Weiss School", November 2019, Special Town Meeting

Didn't Vote

Resolution pertaining to the Town's response to Climate Change, November 2019 Special Town Meeting


Home Rule Petition to allow 16 and 17 year-olds to vote in Town elections, November 2019 Second Special Town Meeting

Didn't Vote

To limit the hours of Marijuana Establishments in Brookline, November 2019 Third Special Town Meeting


To require recreational marijuana sales in Brookline to be exclusively by appointment only, November 2019 Third Special Town Meeting


To request that the Licensing Review Board create a study committee to understand the impacts and propose enhancements to the retail marijuana regulations, November 2019 Third Special Town Meeting


Resolution to request a new override vote to rebuild Driscoll, May 2019 Annual Town Meeting
Establish a WaldoDurgin Overlay District to Allow Mixed Use Development, May 2019 Annual Town Meeting
Establishment of a Parking Benefit District in Brookline Village , May 2019 Annual Town Meeting
Article to strengthen the enforcement of the Green Dog Program, May 2019 Annual Town Meeting
Didn't Vote
Article to ban the sale of flavored tobacco products, May 2019 Annual Town Meeting
Didn't Vote
An apology to Gerald Alston and commitment to do better, May 2019 Annual Town Meeting
Didn't Vote
A pledge to recognize the hurt caused by hate speech, and to recommit to a hate-free town, May 2019 Annual Town Meeting
Didn't Vote
Resolution in support of changing the Massachusetts flag and seal, May 2019 Annual Town Meeting
Didn't Vote
Resolution regarding Newbury College, Special Town Meeting April 2019
Didn't Vote
Amend the Town's Zoning By-laws to modify density requirements for marijuana establishments, November 2018 Special Town Meeting
To grant an easement to the Boston Gas Company to install a gas line for Fire Station 6, November 2018 Special Town Meeting
Action to prohibit Non-Disclosure Agreements, November 2018 Special Town Meeting
Create Zoning for Marijuana Establishments, Annual Town Meeting, May 2018


Zoning Marijuana Establishments: Prohibition of Consumption Retailers in L Districts, Annual Town Meeting, May 2018


Zoning Marijuana Establishments: Prohibition of Retail Storefronts in L Districts, Annual Town Meeting, May 2018


Limiting the Maximum Number of Marijuana Retailers, Annual Town Meeting, May 2018


Renaming the Devotion School, Annual Town Meeting, May 2018


Allowing an Override and Debt Exclusion Tax Exemption for Seniors, Annual Town Meeting, May 2018


Motion to Continue to Study Increasing Community Control over Police Surveillance and Militarization, Annual Town Meeting, May 2018

Didn't Vote

Article to Prohibit Non-Disclosure Agreements from the Town, Annual Town Meeting, May 2018


Restrict the Installation of Plastic Turf at Cypress Field, Annual Town Meeting, May 2018


Restrict the Installation of Plastic Turf at Cypress Field in High School Appropriation, Annual Town Meeting, May 2018


Restrict the Installation of Plastic Turf at Cypress Field without Further Town Meeting Action, Annual Town Meeting, May 2018



Previous Election Results

2017 Result


2017 Vote Total


2020 Result
2020 Vote